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Cancer is not a disease that just affects the physical body, it affects the emotional and psychological states of every cancer patient's life as well. This calls for a shift in the way we perceive cancer care from a disease-centric approach to a more efficient, humanistic, or person-centric approach instead.

Tending to the importance of holistic caregiving, CanSaarthi is a 4-month Certificate Program in Professional Oncological Care Giving.

Our objective is to cultivate a pool of certified caregivers through a comprehensive course structure. The curriculum focuses on the empathetic, emotive, nutritional, paramedical, physio-therapeutic as well as spiritual aspects of oncological care. Each batch consists of 25 students who are trained to be proficient in handling the needs of patients as efficiently as possible. Check our Founder, Mrs. Ruby Ahluwalia, as she speaks about the inception of the onco-caregivers course.

Our course is specially designed for those who’ve had first-hand experience with the illness, be it cancer victors, relatives of cancer patients as well as those who wish to serve in the fight against cancer. This comprehensive course empowers them through immersive learning and on-field experiences to navigate through the patient’s elaborate series of medical interventions with steadfast guidance and support at every juncture. In many situations, patients are aware of the challenges that lie ahead in the course of their treatment but find it difficult to mentally prepare themselves before undergoing any therapy. This reluctance arises out of the psychological vulnerability attached to the idea of cancer being viewed in society as an illness that generally means the end of life. Graduates of the Can Saarthi program are trained to help the patients face these challenges head-on by helping them in acceptance of ground realities in a gentle, empathetic manner. Since most of these professionals are cancer victors themselves, it is much easier and practical for them to explain what lies in the near future for the existing patient by bringing out their personal experiences in their daily conversations. Thus providing a holistic approach to cancer care that goes beyond the conventional methods of treatment. Learn more about the onco caregiving course, with Ms. Archana Vishaye, as she speaks about her experiences.

This certificate course works towards developing a cooperative network to create the means of employment for cancer victors from all socio-economic backgrounds. Ultimately, our graduates are placed in organizations and hospitals that delve into the wellbeing and care of cancer patients, thus helping them achieve a dignified livelihood by caring for relatively affluent patients.

The program intends to:

  • Raise the bar for cancer care in India
  • Create a network of certified oncological caregivers
  • Provide cancer victors with an employment opportunity as professional caregivers using their experience
  • Build awareness about the cancer in the society at large by dispelling myths about the disease

 What qualifications do I need to join this program?

  • 10th-Grade Pass
  • Age Between 21- 45 Years
  • Willingness to Serve People
  • Basic Knowledge of English, Hindi, and Regional Language
  • Good Communication Skills


The CanSaarthi program has seen an increasing number of candidates sign up for the course.

Pre-COVID 19 Six Batches of the course were conducted in Physical format - Mumbai (4 - Batches) and Ahmedabad (2 - Batches)

Post-COVID 19, the program has been migrated to Phi-gital format. 6 Pan India Batches (Batch 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12 & 13) in Phi-gital format have been already completed. 

Over 200 underprivileged students have been transformed into professional onco-caregivers dedicated to the service of cancer patients.

Our network of victors-turned-professional-caregivers continues to rise each passing day. Join us in our initiative as our program forays into every city nationwide by the end of 2023.

Meet some of the cancer victors who stand by their experiences gained in the Can Saarthi program and talk about how it has taught them to care better for cancer patients in need:

1.  Mansi Rane

2.  Sunita Ramani

3.  Archana Vishaye

4.  Sudip Das

5.  Shanu Shaikh

6.  Sonal Virkayade

7.  Mohammad Ali

8.  Oindrila Banerjee

9.  Rashmi Mogare

10. Durganand Saran

11. Vishaka Chalke

12. Sandip Yadav

13. Sanjana Kamat

Watch more stories here!

If you’d like to be a part of this movement and our journey, you can take action today. You can volunteer with us here or donate towards the change.