Our association with the Goa Medical College in the beautiful city of beaches has seen over 1,982 cancer patients benefit from the advantages of holistic cancer care offered by Sanjeevani's various programs and special activities, between the period of January 2019 to May 2022.
Active Programs Include:
1. CanSahyogi: Hand Holding and Counselling sessions in hospital premises for cancer patients in need.
2. CanChetna: A program meant to spread awareness in various schools, colleges, universities and communities of Goa about the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle to prevent cancer and the importance of early detection for higher chances of survival.
3. CanVaarta: Raising awareness about cancer care through meaningful conversations is the key objective of the Can Vaarta program
Events Organized:
- A celebration meant to uplift the spirits of patients and social workers alike, our Can Utsav program was celebrated at the Goa Medical College.
- Along with Can Utsav, the 'Vijay Utsav' program was also celebrated in collaboration with the Goa Medical College.
Our team members are :
- Nishat Ismail - Program Intern
- Dimple Raju - Program Intern
To get in touch with our team you can write to us at info@sanjeevani-lifebeyondcancer.com or Call us on our #Sanjeevani_India_Helpline - 8691000800